Division 1 (mens)
Members League (mens)
Division 3 (mens)
Seniors Pool A (seniors)
Seniors Pool B (seniors)
Juniors (juniors)

Division 1 (mens)

Longhirst Hall Golf Course vs Warkworth Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 15 August, 2018
W Kingsland v K LansburyA3&2
D Halliday v N HoldenH3&2
ian logue v G HendersonA10&8
D Chambers v R BalmbraA3&2
S Smiles v B SandersonA3&2
simon watson v I GrayA7&6
Away Win
Bamburgh Castle Golf Club vs Alnmouth Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 15 August, 2018
P Sanderson v A MinnikinA2&1
M Dawson v R GanderH1up
S Priestley v L DennyDA/S
M Thompson v J HendersonA2&1
Club Admin v N BrownA5&4
C Taylor v J EgglestonH2&1
Away Win
Alnwick Castle Golf Club vs Magdalene Fields Golf Club APlayed on Wed 15 August, 2018
J Lingard v A PottsH6&4
J Friar v K YuleH6&5
A Tate v M HodgsonH4&3
CS Jobson v P RichardsonDA/S
M Friar v M NeilDA/S
D Harrison v S CorderyDA/S
Home Win
Goswick Golf Club vs Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club APlayed on Wed 15 August, 2018
D Greenshields v D SaundersH2up
K Gullan v S WalkerA3&2
G Greenaway v G BarberH4&3
E Johnson v D HindsonDA/S
C Elvin v S PottsH3&2
D Brigham v R JamiesonA2&1
Home Win
Magdalene Fields Golf Club A vs Goswick Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 8 August, 2018
S Jackson v D GreenshieldsH3&2
A Potts v G GreenawayDA/S
K Yule v G ReidH3&2
M Hodgson v S DunnH8&7
P Richardson v Club AdminH4&3
K Atkinson v D BrighamA3&2
Home Win
Alnwick Castle Golf Club vs Bamburgh Castle Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 8 August, 2018
J Lingard v P SandersonDA/S
J Friar v M DawsonA5&4
W Belisle v S PriestleyA1up
A Tate v M ThompsonA1up
CS Jobson v C TaylorH7&5
D Harrison v Club AdminH3&2
Away Win
Warkworth Golf Club vs Alnmouth Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 8 August, 2018
R Young v R GanderA3&2
K Lansbury v L DennyH3&2
N Holden v J HendersonA1up
G Henderson v D BakerH5&4
S Glass v J SouthwardDA/S
B Sanderson v D ArchibaldA5&4
Away Win
Longhirst Hall Golf Course vs Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club APlayed on Wed 8 August, 2018
D Halliday v D SaundersH2&1
W Kingsland v S PottsH7&5
J Eiffert v S WalkerH4&3
D Chambers v G BarberH2up
S Smiles v R JamiesonDA/S
M Glass v G MallaburnH3&2
Home Win
Longhirst Hall Golf Course vs Bamburgh Castle Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 1 August, 2018
D Halliday v J MoffetH5&4
W Kingsland v P SandersonA1up
J Eiffert v M DawsonA3&2
D Chambers v S PriestleyA1up
S Smiles v M ThompsonA5&4
F Chambers v C TaylorA1up
Away Win
Goswick Golf Club vs Alnwick Castle Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 1 August, 2018
D Greenshields v J LingardH1up
E Johnson v J FriarH5&4
G Greenaway v W BelisleA2&1
S Dunn v A TateH1up
D Brigham v C DonaldsonDA/S
M Jones v D SwordyH1up
Home Win
Alnmouth Golf Club vs Magdalene Fields Golf Club APlayed on Wed 1 August, 2018
R Gander v A PottsH1up
L Denny v S JacksonH6&5
D Baker v M HodgsonHA/S
J Henderson v P RichardsonH6&5
D Archibald v M NeilH4&3
Jim Storey v K AtkinsonH2&1
Home Win
Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club A vs Warkworth Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 1 August, 2018
M Carss v K LansburyH3&1
D Saunders v N HoldenH2up
S Potts v W GairA1up
S Walker v M AllenH2&1
G Barber v R BalmbraDA/S
R Jamieson v S GlassH1up
Home Win
Alnmouth Village Golf Club vs Bamburgh Castle Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 1 August, 2018
Jack Kidd and Clive Wilson v G Temple and G HulleyH3&2
Dave Hodge and G Foreman v J Snowball and R LumsdenA1up
Steve Lockley and Geoff Smart v J Lovell and D KirkbrideA1up
v A
v A
v A
Away Win
Burgham Park Golf Club vs Warkworth Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 1 August, 2018
Doug Lyons and Paul Thornton v Les Graves and Ken ParkH4&3
John Davies and John Megaran v M Allen and K BaileyH1up
Tony Clarkson and Jimmy Rutherford v G Sawley and A McKayH2&1
v H
v H
v H
Home Win
Alnwick Castle Golf Club vs Alnmouth Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 25 July, 2018
J Lingard v L DennyH4&3
J Friar v J HendersonA1up
W Belisle v J SouthwardH3&1
A Tate v Kevin HendersonDA/S
M Friar v D ArchibaldH5&4
D Swordy v Jim StoreyA2&1
Home Win
Longhirst Hall Golf Course vs Goswick Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 25 July, 2018
D Halliday v D GreenshieldsDA/S
W Kingsland v G GreenawayH2&1
A Eastlake v G ReidDA/S
J Eiffert v M WilsonH6&5
D Chambers v D BrighamH5&4
F Chambers v N FairburnA1up
Home Win
Magdalene Fields Golf Club A vs Warkworth Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 25 July, 2018
S Jackson v K LansburyH1up
K Yule v N HoldenA1up
M Hodgson v S FairhurstH1up
P Richardson v G HendersonH4&3
M Neil v W GairH2&1
K Atkinson v R BalmbraH5&4
Home Win
Bamburgh Castle Golf Club vs Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club APlayed on Wed 25 July, 2018
J Moffet v M CarssH5&4
P Sanderson v D SaundersA2&1
M Dawson v S SullivanH2&1
M Thompson v D HindsonH2up
S Priestley v G BarberH5&3
Club Admin v R JamiesonH3&2
Home Win
Alnmouth Golf Club vs Longhirst Hall Golf CoursePlayed on Wed 18 July, 2018
R Gander v W KingslandH5&4
L Denny v Ian LogueH7&6
D Baker v A EastlakeHA/S
J Southward v J EiffertH5&4
Kevin Henderson v T PringleH6&5
D Archibald v S WatsonH7&6
Home Win
Warkworth Golf Club vs Alnwick Castle Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 18 July, 2018
R Young v J LingardDA/S
K Lansbury v J FriarH1up
N Holden v W BelisleH2&1
W Gair v A TateA3&2
R Balmbra v CS JobsonH6&5
M Graham v M FriarDA/S
Home Win
Goswick Golf Club vs Bamburgh Castle Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 18 July, 2018
Ivan Martin v P SandersonA1up
G Greenaway v M DawsonA3&2
E Johnson v J PorteousAA/S
G Reid v M ThompsonA2&1
N McCormack v P HinsonHA/S
N Fairburn v R LumsdenH7&6
Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club A vs Magdalene Fields Golf Club APlayed on Wed 18 July, 2018
D Saunders v S JacksonA5&4
S Potts v A PottsA1up
S Walker v K YuleA4&2
G Barber v M HodgsonDA/S
R Jamieson v P RichardsonA2&1
G Mallaburn v K AtkinsonA1up
Away Win
Warkworth Golf Club vs Bamburgh Castle Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 4 July, 2018
R Young v J MoffetDA/S
K Lansbury v P SandersonH3&1
N Holden v M DawsonDA/S
G Henderson v M ThompsonA3&2
W Gair v S PriestleyA1up
R Balmbra v S AldredH6&5
Magdalene Fields Golf Club A vs Longhirst Hall Golf CoursePlayed on Wed 4 July, 2018
S Jackson v J EiffertH6&5
A Potts v D ChambersH2&1
M Hodgson v S SmilesH5&4
P Richardson v F ChambersA4&2
M Neil v M GlassH3&2
K Atkinson v T PringleH3&2
Home Win
Alnmouth Golf Club vs Goswick Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 4 July, 2018
R Gander v D GreenshieldsH3&2
L Denny v G GreenawayH1up
D Baker v John O’HaganH6&5
J Henderson v S DunnH4&2
Kevin Henderson v Club AdminH5&4
D Archibald v D BrighamH6&5
Home Win
Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club A vs Alnwick Castle Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 4 July, 2018
S Sullivan v J LingardA2up
D Hindson v J FriarA1up
R Jamieson v W BelisleDA/S
G Barber v CS JobsonA5&4
Jonathan Barber v A TateA1up
G Mallaburn v M FriarH3&2
Away Win
Bamburgh Castle Golf Club vs Burgham Park Golf ClubPlayed on Sun 1 July, 2018
G Hulley and A Gilhome v Doug Lyons and Alan OldA4&3
R Lumsden and D Eccleston v Dave Harbertson and Steve BairdDA/S
D Jones and P Bateman v Jimmy Rutherford and Arthur YoungA1up
v A
v A
v A
Away Win
Alnwick Castle Golf Club vs Alnmouth Village Golf ClubPlayed on Sun 1 July, 2018
M Hubbard and James Fenwick v Steve Lockley and Geoff SmartDA/S
P Lewis and R Chalmers v Les Aitken and P DixonA5&4
J Pentleton and T Lang v G Foreman and Jack KiddH6&4
v H
v H
v H
Alnmouth Golf Club vs Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club APlayed on Wed 27 June, 2018
R Gander v M CarssDA/S
N Brown v D SaundersH2&1
D Baker v S SullivanH2&1
J Henderson v S PottsH2&1
J Southward v S WalkerDA/S
D Archibald v D HindsonA2&1
Home Win
Longhirst Hall Golf Course vs Alnwick Castle Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 27 June, 2018
W Kingsland v J LingardDA/S
J Eiffert v J FriarH2&1
S Smiles v W BelisleA3&1
D Chambers v CS JobsonH1up
M Glass v A TateDA/S
T Pringle v M FriarH2&1
Home Win
Goswick Golf Club vs Warkworth Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 27 June, 2018
S Knightengale v K LansburyA2&1
G Greenaway v N HoldenDA/S
John O’Hagan v G HendersonDA/S
M Landels v W GairA7&6
S Wilson v S GlassH4&3
S Dunn v I GrayH6&5
Bamburgh Castle Golf Club vs Magdalene Fields Golf Club APlayed on Wed 27 June, 2018
J Moffet v S JacksonH5&3
P Sanderson v A PottsH2&1
M Dawson v K YuleH4&3
M Thompson v M HodgsonH2up
S Priestley v P RichardsonH2&1
K Whitfield v K AtkinsonA1up
Home Win
Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club A vs Alnmouth Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 20 June, 2018
D Saunders v R GanderA1up
S Potts v L DennyA2up
S Walker v J HendersonA2&1
D Hindson v D BakerA3&2
G Barber v J SouthwardAA/S
G Mallaburn v Jim StoreyA5&4
Away Win
Alnwick Castle Golf Club vs Longhirst Hall Golf CoursePlayed on Wed 20 June, 2018
J Lingard v ian logueH2up
J Friar v J EiffertH3&2
W Belisle v D ChambersH2&1
CS Jobson v S SmilesA1up
A Tate v F ChambersH3&2
M Friar v T PringleH3&2
Home Win
Warkworth Golf Club vs Goswick Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 20 June, 2018
K Lansbury v G GreenawayDA/S
N Holden v G ReidH5&4
G Henderson v John O’HaganH3&2
R Balmbra v C ElvinDA/S
S Glass v S DunnDA/S
M Graham v D BrighamA4&3
Home Win
Magdalene Fields Golf Club A vs Bamburgh Castle Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 20 June, 2018
S Jackson v J MoffetH4&3
A Potts v M DawsonA1up
K Yule v S PriestleyDA/S
M Hodgson v M ThompsonA1up
M Neil v C TaylorA4&3
K Atkinson v R LumsdenH5&4
Away Win
Alnwick Castle Golf Club vs Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club APlayed on Wed 13 June, 2018
J Lingard v M CarssH6&5
J Friar v D SaundersDA/S
W Belisle v S PottsH1up
M Friar v S WalkerDA/S
D Swordy v G MallaburnH2up
D Harrison v Matt LeethamH5&4
Home Win
Goswick Golf Club vs Alnmouth Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 13 June, 2018
D Greenshields v R GanderA3&2
G Greenaway v L DennyA4&3
S Knightengale v D BakerA2up
C Elvin v J SouthwardH2up
S Dunn v D ArchibaldA4&2
D Brigham v H SutherlandH1up
Away Win
Longhirst Hall Golf Course vs Magdalene Fields Golf Club APlayed on Wed 13 June, 2018
J Eiffert v S JacksonDA/S
D Chambers v A PottsA2&1
T Wilson v K YuleA2&1
F Chambers v M HodgsonA6&4
T Pringle v P RichardsonH5&3
D Phillips v K AtkinsonA8&7
Away Win
Bamburgh Castle Golf Club vs Warkworth Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 13 June, 2018
J Moffet v K LansburyA4&2
P Sanderson v N HoldenH2&1
M Dawson v G HendersonDA/S
S Priestley v W GairH1up
M Thompson v S GlassH5&4
S Aldred v B SandersonA1up
Home Win
Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club A vs Goswick Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 6 June, 2018
D Saunders v M WilsonH7&6
S Potts v D GreenshieldsA5&4
S Walker v G GreenawayH3&2
G Mallaburn v A TerrasA4&3
D Hindson v S DunnA1up
R Jamieson v S WilsonA3&1
Away Win
Magdalene Fields Golf Club A vs Alnwick Castle Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 6 June, 2018
S Jackson v J LingardDA/S
A Potts v J FriarH6&5
K Yule v W BelisleH5&4
M Hodgson v A TateH2&1
P Richardson v CS JobsonA4&3
K Atkinson v D HarrisonH2&1
Home Win
Alnmouth Golf Club vs Bamburgh Castle Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 6 June, 2018
Jake Storey v J MoffetH6&5
R Gander v P SandersonDA/S
J Henderson v M DawsonH2&1
L Denny v M ThompsonH1up
J Southward v S PriestleyH2&1
D Baker v C TaylorA1up
Home Win
Warkworth Golf Club vs Longhirst Hall Golf CoursePlayed on Wed 6 June, 2018
R Young v D HallidayA2up
K Lansbury v J EiffertH4&3
N Holden v D ChambersH3&2
R Balmbra v S SmilesH1up
W Gair v F ChambersH5&3
S Glass v T PringleH5&4
Home Win
Warkworth Golf Club vs Alnmouth Village Golf ClubPlayed on Fri 1 June, 2018
M Allen and K Bailey v Les Aitken and Les AitkenH2&1
G Taylor and Ken Park v Les Aitken and Les AitkenH2up
A McKay and G Sawley v Les Aitken and Les AitkenH2&1
v H
v H
v H
Home Win
Alnwick Castle Golf Club vs Bamburgh Castle Golf ClubPlayed on Fri 1 June, 2018
M Hubbard and D Robinson v G Hulley and G TempleDA/S
J Pentleton and T Lang v P Bateman and D JonesH7&6
P Lewis and R Chalmers v J Lovell and F BoltonH6&4
v H
v H
v H
Home Win
Magdalene Fields Golf Club A vs Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club APlayed on Wed 30 May, 2018
A Potts v M CarssH5&4
K Yule v D SaundersH3&1
P Richardson v S WalkerH3&2
M Neil v D HindsonH7&6
M Hodgson v R JamiesonH4&3
K Atkinson v G BarberH3&2
Home Win
Bamburgh Castle Golf Club vs Goswick Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 30 May, 2018
J Moffet v Ivan MartinH3&2
P Sanderson v M WilsonH5&4
M Dawson v D GreenshieldsDA/S
S Priestley v K GullanA6&5
M Thompson v G GreenawayA3&2
C Taylor v A TerrasH3&1
Home Win
Alnwick Castle Golf Club vs Warkworth Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 30 May, 2018
J Lingard v R YoungH4&3
J Friar v K LansburyDA/S
W Belisle v G HendersonH4&3
A Tate v W GairA1up
M Friar v S GlassA3&2
D Swordy v B SandersonH3&2
Home Win
Longhirst Hall Golf Course vs Alnmouth Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 30 May, 2018
D Halliday v A MinnikinH7&6
J Eiffert v R GanderA5&4
S Smiles v J HendersonH5&4
F Chambers v L DennyA3&2
T Pringle v J SouthwardA6&4
A Shaw v D ArchibaldDA/S
Away Win
Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club A vs Bamburgh Castle Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 23 May, 2018
M Carss v J MoffetH3&2
D Saunders v P SandersonA1up
S Potts v M DawsonA2&1
S Walker v S PriestleyA6&5
S Sullivan v M ThompsonA4&3
R Jamieson v C TaylorH5&4
Away Win
Warkworth Golf Club vs Magdalene Fields Golf Club APlayed on Wed 23 May, 2018
K Lansbury v S JacksonA3&2
N Holden v A PottsH2&1
G Henderson v K YuleA3&2
R Balmbra v P RichardsonH4&3
W Gair v M HodgsonA6&4
S Glass v K AtkinsonH2&1
Goswick Golf Club vs Longhirst Hall Golf CoursePlayed on Wed 23 May, 2018
Ivan Martin v W KingslandH4&3
D Greenshields v EiffertH4&3
M Wilson v S SmilesH4&3
G Greenaway v G AireyH9&7
S Nightengale v T PringleH3&2
A Terras v D PhillipsH4&2
Home Win
Alnmouth Golf Club vs Alnwick Castle Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 23 May, 2018
A Minnikin v J LingardDA/S
R Gander v J FriarH4&3
L Denny v W BelisleA1up
J Henderson v A TateH3&2
D Baker v CS JobsonH1up
J Southward v M FriarH5&4
Home Win
Warkworth Golf Club vs Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club APlayed on Wed 16 May, 2018
R Young v M CarssA3&1
K Lansbury v D SaundersH4&3
N Holden v S PottsA2&1
S Fairhurst v S WalkerA1up
G Henderson v D HindsonH2&1
S Glass v S SullivanA3&2
Away Win
Bamburgh Castle Golf Club vs Longhirst Hall Golf CoursePlayed on Wed 16 May, 2018
J Moffet v EiffertH4&3
P Sanderson v D ChambersH7&6
M Dawson v S SmilesH5&4
S Priestley v T PringleDA/S
M Thompson v A ShawA1up
C Taylor v D PhillipsH3&2
Home Win
Alnwick Castle Golf Club vs Goswick Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 16 May, 2018
J Friar v Ivan MartinH5&3
W Belisle v M WilsonH2up
CS Jobson v garry greenawayA2&1
M Friar v A TerrasH5&4
D Swordy v G ReidH3&2
D Harrison v C ElvinH1up
Home Win
Magdalene Fields Golf Club A vs Alnmouth Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 16 May, 2018
S Jackson v R GanderA3&2
A Potts v L DennyA1up
K Yule v J HendersonH2&1
P Richardson v D BakerA1up
M Hodgson v J SouthwardA1up
K Atkinson v D LillicoH6&5
Away Win
Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club A vs Longhirst Hall Golf CoursePlayed on Wed 9 May, 2018
M Carss v M GlassH1up
D Saunders v T WilsonH7&5
S Potts v EiffertH6&5
S Walker v D ChambersH3&2
D Hindson v S SmilesDA/S
G Barber v D ShawA3&1
Home Win
Goswick Golf Club vs Magdalene Fields Golf Club APlayed on Wed 9 May, 2018
Ivan Martin v S JacksonH2&1
M Wilson v A PottsA3&2
D Greenshields v K YuleH3&2
A Terras v P RichardsonH2&1
M Landels v M HodgsonA4&3
G Reid v K AtkinsonA3&1
Bamburgh Castle Golf Club vs Alnwick Castle Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 9 May, 2018
J Moffet v J LingardA1up
P Sanderson v J FriarH2&1
M Dawson v W BelisleDA/S
S Priestley v A TateA4&2
M Thompson v CS JobsonH1up
C Taylor v M FriarH3&2
Home Win
Alnmouth Golf Club vs Warkworth Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 9 May, 2018
R Gander v K LansburyH1up
N Brown v N HoldenH5&4
L Denny v G HendersonH4&3
J Henderson v W GairH5&4
J Southward v R BalmbraA2&1
D Archibald v S GlassH4&3
Home Win
Burgham Park Golf Club vs Alnwick Castle Golf ClubPlayed on Tue 1 May, 2018
Tony Clarkson and Alf Margison v M Hubbard and Brian HuntH5&4
John Megaran and Jimmy Rutherford v P Lewis and James FenwickA1up
Doug Lyons and Alan Old v R Chalmers and T LangA1up
v A
v A
v A
Away Win
Bamburgh Castle Golf Club vs Warkworth Golf ClubPlayed on Tue 1 May, 2018
J snowball and P Bateman v Les Graves and G TaylorH3&2
R Lumsden and D Jones v Ken Park and K BaileyH1up
G Temple and G Hulley v G Sawley and A McKayA1up
v A
v A
v A
Home Win
Warkworth Golf Club vs Alnwick Castle Golf ClubPlayed on Sun 1 April, 2018
Les Graves and M Allen v P Lewis and R ChalmersHA/S
Ken Park and A McKay v R Henderson and D RobinsonAA/S
K Bailey and A Stewart v T Lang and J PentletonH1 up
v H
v H
v H
Home Win
Alnmouth Village Golf Club vs Burgham Park Golf ClubPlayed on Sun 1 April, 2018
John Clark and Les Aitken v Doug Lyons and Alan OldA3&2
Jack Kidd and Geoff Smart v Steve Baird and Dave HarbertsonA1up
Jim Wright and Steve Lockley v John Megaran and Derek HarrisonH3&2
v H
v H
v H
Away Win

Members League (mens)

Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club B vs Rothbury Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 29 August, 2018
Anthony McGrady v N RichardsonA7&6
J Carss v A RichardsonHA/S
K Baldwin v M ArkleA1up
R Howcroft v N RogersonA2&1
David Shearer v B HinsonH2up
I Murdy v S ForemanA2up
Away Win
Alnmouth Village Golf Club vs Burgham Park Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 29 August, 2018
A Stanton v Phil AireyH4&3
J Jobson v C MoatH2&1
B Lawn v S ListerH5&4
S Foreman v G MurrayH5&3
C Wass v J StrachanH5&4
N Baxter v D MorseH7&5
Home Win
Magdalene Fields Golf Club B vs Linden Hall Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 29 August, 2018
D McAskill v L CochraneA5&4
P Purves v G LowesA2up
N Smiles v John SimpsonH6&5
N Deary v Simon OsborneH4&3
B Renton v John Paul MayneH5&4
K Nisbet v P PostgateDA/S
Home Win
Wooler Golf Club vs Magdalene Fields Golf Club BPlayed on Wed 22 August, 2018
R Carr v D McAskillH4&2
P Routledge v D WatsonH3&2
A Carr v N SmilesH6&4
David Lee v B RentonH4&3
C Wilkinson v D YoungH4&3
Geoff Brown v R FarishDA/S
Home Win
Seahouses Golf Club vs Alnmouth Village Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 22 August, 2018
A Trimby v A StantonA2&1
J Hogg v J JobsonH4&3
A Topham v B LawnA2&1
G Pearson v S ForemanH7&6
K Wright v C WassH5&4
K Swan v N BaxterDA/S
Home Win
Rothbury Golf Club vs Linden Hall Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 22 August, 2018
N Richardson v Guy NixonH3&1
P Evans v L CochraneA2&1
A Richardson v P CochraneH2up
N Rogerson v M HaefnerA2&1
B Hinson v John SimpsonH1up
S Foreman v Simon OsborneA1up
Percy Wood Golf Club vs Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club BPlayed on Wed 22 August, 2018
C Fletcher-Smith v Anthony McGradyH2&1
D Angus v Adam GilroyH1up
I Campbell v J CarssH1up
F Leet v R HowcroftH7&6
G Brown v David ShearerA6&4
J Wright v I MurdyA6&4
Home Win
Magdalene Fields Golf Club B vs Seahouses Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 15 August, 2018
S Armstrong v G HornsbyA2&1
D McAskill v A TrimbyA1up
D Watson v J HoggA6&5
N Smiles v A TophamA5&4
N Deary v G PearsonH4&3
B Renton v K WrightA3&2
Away Win
Linden Hall Golf Club vs Wooler Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 15 August, 2018
Guy Nixon v R CarrH5&4
L Cochrane v A CarrH9&8
P Cochrane v S LambH4&2
Simon Osborne v R LoweryH3&1
Kevin Jones v V BissetH3&2
John Simpson v C WilkinsonH3&2
Home Win
Burgham Park Golf Club vs Rothbury Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 15 August, 2018
P Barnet v D ArkleH4&2
Phil Airey v N RichardsonH3&1
C Moat v A RichardsonDA/S
S Lister v M ArkleH1up
P Murphy v N RogersonA6&5
D Morse v S ForemanA3&2
Home Win
Alnmouth Village Golf Club vs Percy Wood Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 15 August, 2018
A Stanton v I CampbellH3&2
J Jobson v D FinlayH7&6
S Oliver v F LeetH1up
S McKee v S CarringtonH2&1
C Wass v G BrownDA/S
N Baxter v I LoweryH9&7
Home Win
Seahouses Golf Club vs Linden Hall Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 8 August, 2018
G Hornsby v Guy NixonH3&2
A Trimby v L CochraneH2&1
J Hogg v Kevin JonesH8&6
A Topham v P CochraneH4&3
G Pearson v Simon OsborneH4&3
K Swan v Chris FosterH4&2
Home Win
Percy Wood Golf Club vs Magdalene Fields Golf Club BPlayed on Wed 8 August, 2018
D Angus v D McAskillA3&2
I Campbell v D WatsonA2&1
S Bell v N SmilesH5&3
F Leet v N DearyDA/S
M Osborne v D YoungA7&5
Club Admin v B RentonA1up
Away Win
Wooler Golf Club vs Burgham Park Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 8 August, 2018
R Carr v P BarnetDA/S
P Routledge v Phil AireyA1up
A Carr v C MoatA2&1
David Lee v S ListerA1up
C Wilkinson v J TrewickA4&3
Geoff Brown v D MorseH3&1
Away Win
Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club B vs Alnmouth Village Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 8 August, 2018
Anthony McGrady v A StantonA4&3
A Gilroy v J JobsonA1up
J Carss v B LawnA2&1
K Baldwin v S OliverA1up
David Shearer v S McKeeA6&5
I Murdy v C WassA5&4
Away Win
Linden Hall Golf Club vs Percy Wood Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 1 August, 2018
L Cochrane v D AngusH2up
P Cochrane v C SampsonH4&2
Kevin Jones v I CampbellH4&3
Danny House v F LeetH7&6
John Simpson v D FinlayH1up
Simon Osborne v G BrownH5&4
Home Win
Burgham Park Golf Club vs Seahouses Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 1 August, 2018
Phil Airey v G HornsbyH3&2
C Moat v J HoggH3&1
S Lister v G PearsonDA/S
J Hendrie v A TophamA7&6
J Strachan v K WrightA2&1
Arthur Young v K SwanA6&5
Away Win
Magdalene Fields Golf Club B vs Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club BPlayed on Wed 1 August, 2018
S Armstrong v J CongletonH2&1
D McAskill v A GilroyA5&4
N Smiles v J CarssDA/S
P Purves v K BaldwinH4&3
N Deary v R RaeH4&3
B Renton v Steve FearA1up
Home Win
Rothbury Golf Club vs Wooler Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 1 August, 2018
N Richardson v R CarrDA/S
A Richardson v P RoutledgeH3&2
P Evans v A CarrH2&1
M Arkle v G CarrH7&6
N Rogerson v C WilkinsonDA/S
S Foreman v t symonsH1up
Home Win
Percy Wood Golf Club vs Rothbury Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 1 August, 2018
D Finlay and A Carr v M Arkle and R JacksonH2up
D Angus and I Lowery v D Blakeburn and Nick GuthorsonH2up
M Osborne and Trevor Nicholaidis v B Arnott and C AyreA2&1
v A
v A
v A
Home Win
Alnmouth Golf Club vs Wooler Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 1 August, 2018
D Bell and G Barber v David Lee and David SymonsA1up
I Wilson and D Appleby v Geoff Brown and David StrangewaysDA/S
I Stokoe and G Richer v Keith Robinson and Les JohnsonH1up
v H
v H
v H
Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club A vs Linden Hall Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 1 August, 2018
David Kingsland and David Jackson v T Postgate and P PostgateH6&4
Dennis Wiiliams and Keith Bowden v F Johnstone and John SimpsonA4&2
John Nichol and A McGrady v Barrie Guy and Brian ForsterH2up
v H
v H
v H
Home Win
Percy Wood Golf Club vs Burgham Park Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 25 July, 2018
J Taylor v C MoatH2up
C Sampson v S ListerDA/S
C Fletcher-Smith v J HendrieD4&2
I Campbell v P MurphyAA/S
S Bell v J StrachanH5&4
G Brown v G MurrayH10&8
Home Win
Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club B vs Linden Hall Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 25 July, 2018
W Sutherland v L CochraneA4&3
J Congleton v P CochraneH4&2
J Carss v M HaefnerA1up
R Howcroft v Kevin JonesDA/S
I Murdy v John SimpsonA5&3
A Robson v Simon OsborneA3&1
Away Win
Seahouses Golf Club vs Rothbury Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 25 July, 2018
A Trimby v N RichardsonDA/S
G Hornsby v A RichardsonH3&2
J Hogg v P EvansH7&6
G Pearson v M ArkleH5&4
A Topham v N RogersonH7&5
K Wright v B HinsonH4&3
Home Win
Alnmouth Village Golf Club vs Magdalene Fields Golf Club BPlayed on Wed 25 July, 2018
A Stanton v Club AdminH6&5
J Jobson v Club AdminH4&3
B Lawn v Club AdminH6&4
S Oliver v Club AdminH3&2
S McKee v Club AdminH1up
C Wass v Club AdminH6&5
Home Win
Burgham Park Golf Club vs Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club BPlayed on Wed 18 July, 2018
P Barnet v W SutherlandH4&3
Phil Airey v J CarssH5&4
C Moat v K BaldwinH6&5
J Trewick v R RaeH5&4
P Murphy v Steve FearH6&5
G Murray v I MurdyH5&4
Home Win
Rothbury Golf Club vs Percy Wood Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 18 July, 2018
N Richardson v C Fletcher-SmithH4&3
A Richardson v J TaylorH3&2
M Arkle v D AngusH6&5
N Rogerson v C SampsonH5&4
B Hinson v F LeetH3&2
T Morris v G BrownH4&2
Home Win
Linden Hall Golf Club vs Alnmouth Village Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 18 July, 2018
Guy Nixon v A StantonH3&2
L Cochrane v J JobsonH6&4
P Cochrane v S OliverA1up
M Haefner v S McKeeH6&4
Chris Foster v John ClarkA4&3
Simon Osborne v C WassDA/S
Home Win
Wooler Golf Club vs Seahouses Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 18 July, 2018
R Carr v A TrimbyA5&4
P Routledge v G HornsbyDA/S
A Carr v J HoggH2&1
S Lowery v G PearsonH4&2
David Lee v K WrightA2&1
Geoff Brown v D HornsbyA4&3
Away Win
Rothbury Golf Club vs Alnmouth Village Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 4 July, 2018
N Richardson v N EdwardsH2up
M Arkle v A StantonA2&1
P Evans v J JobsonA2&1
A Richardson v S OliverA5&4
N Rogerson v B LawnH2&1
B Hinson v S McKeeA2&1
Away Win
Burgham Park Golf Club vs Magdalene Fields Golf Club BPlayed on Wed 4 July, 2018
Phil Airey v D McAskillH4&3
P Barnet v N SmilesH8&6
C Moat v D WatsonH6&5
Arthur Young v N DearyA2&1
J Strachan v A PendrichDA/S
G Murray v B RentonA1up
Home Win
Seahouses Golf Club vs Percy Wood Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 4 July, 2018
G Hornsby v S JohnstoneDA/S
A Topham v D AngusH3&1
J Hogg v C SampsonDA/S
G Pearson v S BellH4&3
K Wright v F LeetH4&2
D Hornsby v G BrownH4&3
Home Win
Wooler Golf Club vs Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club BPlayed on Wed 4 July, 2018
R Carr v W SutherlandA2&1
P Routledge v Adam GilroyH4&3
A Carr v J CarssH2&1
C Wilkinson v K BaldwinH2&1
Geoff Brown v Steve FearH4&3
R Lowery v R CarrH6&5
Home Win
Rothbury Golf Club vs Alnmouth Golf ClubPlayed on Sun 1 July, 2018
M Arkle and R Jackson v C Burrows and I StokoeH5&3
D Pledger and D Blakeburn v G Barber and D BellH4&3
B Arnott and C Ayre v I Wilson and I CampbellH6&5
v H
v H
v H
Home Win
Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club A vs Percy Wood Golf ClubPlayed on Sun 1 July, 2018
David Jackson and David Kingsland v D Angus and R LightfootH3&2
A McGrady and John Nichol v D Finlay and Trevor NicholaidisH3&1
Dennis Wiiliams and David Armstrong v M Osborne and A BirkmyreH3&2
v H
v H
v H
Home Win
Linden Hall Golf Club vs Wooler Golf ClubPlayed on Sun 1 July, 2018
P Postgate and T Postgate v Geoff Brown and John EwingH3&2
B Gill and Barrie Guy v David Strangeways and Howard MiddlemissH5&3
Dick Bailey and M Daglers v Les Johnson and David SymonsA3&2
v A
v A
v A
Home Win
Alnmouth Village Golf Club vs Wooler Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 27 June, 2018
A Stanton v R CarrH4&2
J Jobson v P RoutledgeH1up
S Oliver v A CarrH2&1
S McKee v C WilkinsonH2&1
C Wass v D CrispA2up
N Baxter v S LambH5&4
Home Win
Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club B vs Seahouses Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 27 June, 2018
J Congleton v A TrimbyH3&1
J Carss v G HornsbyA3&2
K Baldwin v J HoggA4&3
R Howcroft v A TophamH3&2
I Murdy v G PearsonA5&3
R Carr v R LockeH2&1
Magdalene Fields Golf Club B vs Rothbury Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 27 June, 2018
S Armstrong v M ArkleA1up
N Smiles v P EvansH3&2
D McAskill v A RichardsonH3&2
D Watson v N RogersonA2up
N Deary v B HinsonH5&4
A Pendrich v T MorrisH3&2
Home Win
Linden Hall Golf Club vs Burgham Park Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 27 June, 2018
Guy Nixon v Phil AireyH2&1
L Cochrane v P BarnetH2&1
G Lowes v S ListerA5&4
P Cochrane v J HendrieDA/S
Chris Foster v P MurphyH5&4
Simon Osborne v J TrewickA6&5
Home Win
Wooler Golf Club vs Alnmouth Village Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 20 June, 2018
R Carr v A StantonA4&3
P Routledge v J JobsonA2&1
A Carr v S OliverH2&1
S Lowery v S McKeeH4&3
D Crisp v N BaxterH4&2
C Wilkinson v N DavisonH2&1
Home Win
Rothbury Golf Club vs Magdalene Fields Golf Club BPlayed on Wed 20 June, 2018
N Richardson v S ArmstrongH3&1
M Arkle v N SmilesDA/S
P Evans v D WatsonH4&2
D Upton v N DearyH2up
B Hinson v A PendrichH2up
T Morris v B RentonH3&1
Home Win
Seahouses Golf Club vs Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club BPlayed on Wed 20 June, 2018
G Hornsby v J CongletonH4&2
A Topham v J CarssH2&1
J Hogg v K BaldwinH4&3
G Pearson v R HowcroftH5&4
R Locke v I MurdyH2up
K Swan v R CarrH1up
Home Win
Burgham Park Golf Club vs Linden Hall Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 20 June, 2018
Phil Airey v Guy NixonDA/S
C Moat v L CochraneH1up
P Murphy v Kevin JonesA1up
S Lister v G LowesH5&4
J Hendrie v P CochraneDA/S
J Strachan v Simon OsborneH2&1
Home Win
Alnmouth Village Golf Club vs Rothbury Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 13 June, 2018
A Stanton v N RichardsonH3&2
J Jobson v M ArkleH4&3
S Oliver v P EvansH5&4
B Lawn v A RichardsonH3&2
S McKee v B HinsonH4&3
N Baxter v T MorrisH3&1
Home Win
Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club B vs Wooler Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 13 June, 2018
A Gilroy v R CarrA3&1
B Greenley v P RoutledgeH3&2
J Carss v A CarrH4&3
K Baldwin v D CrispH5&4
I Murdy v C WilkinsonH4&3
A Robson v t symonsDA/S
Home Win
Magdalene Fields Golf Club B vs Burgham Park Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 13 June, 2018
N Smiles v R DixonH5&3
D McAskill v J HendrieH2&1
D Watson v J TrewickA1up
N Deary v J StrachanH1up
A Pendrich v Arthur YoungH5&4
B Renton v G MurrayH2&1
Home Win
Percy Wood Golf Club vs Seahouses Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 13 June, 2018
J Taylor v G HornsbyH3&2
D Angus v A TrimbyA2&1
C Sampson v J HoggA1up
I Campbell v A TophamDA/S
S Bell v G PearsonA5&4
G Brown v K WrightA4&3
Away Win
Rothbury Golf Club vs Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club BPlayed on Wed 6 June, 2018
N Richardson v J CongletonH2&1
P Evans v A GilroyH2&1
M Arkle v J CarssH3&2
A Richardson v R HowcroftH3&2
B Hinson v I MurdyH4&2
T Morris v A RobsonH2&1
Home Win
Burgham Park Golf Club vs Alnmouth Village Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 6 June, 2018
G Murray v N BaxterA5&4
P Barnet v J JobsonDA/S
Phil Airey v A StantonH1up
P Murphy v S McKeeA7&5
J Hendrie v S OliverA5&4
Arthur Young v C WassA4&3
Away Win
Wooler Golf Club vs Percy Wood Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 6 June, 2018
R Carr v S JohnstoneA6&4
P Routledge v D AngusH7&5
D Crisp v J TaylorA4&2
S Lamb v C SampsonDA/S
C Wilkinson v F LeetH5&3
R Lowery v G BrownH1up
Home Win
Linden Hall Golf Club vs Magdalene Fields Golf Club BPlayed on Wed 6 June, 2018
Guy Nixon v S ArmstrongH2&1
L Cochrane v D WatsonH4&3
P Cochrane v D McAskillH7&6
Danny House v N SmilesA1up
Chris Foster v N DearyA2&1
Simon Osborne v B RentonH6&5
Home Win
Wooler Golf Club vs Percy Wood Golf ClubPlayed on Fri 1 June, 2018
David Symons and David Lee v D Finlay and Trevor NicholaidisA2up
Howard Middlemiss and Les Johnson v D Angus and I LoweryH4&3
Geoff Brown and Howard Middlemiss v C Ross and M OsborneH4&3
v H
v H
v H
Home Win
Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club A vs Rothbury Golf ClubPlayed on Fri 1 June, 2018
David Kingsland and David Jackson v Nick Guthorson and Nick GuthorsonH3&2
Dennis Wiiliams and Keith Bowden v Larry Jones and D PhillipsH7&5
A McGrady and John Nichol v B Arnott and Michael SawleyH1up
v H
v H
v H
Home Win
Alnmouth Golf Club vs Linden Hall Golf ClubPlayed on Fri 1 June, 2018
D Bell and Kenneth Hunt v S Halsey and A MichreH1up
I Campbell and S Russell v M Daglers and Dick BaileyDA/S
I Wilson and C Burrows v Richard Sayer and G KingslandA3&2
v A
v A
v A
Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club B vs Burgham Park Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 30 May, 2018
J Congleton v C MoatA3&2
A Gilroy v J HendrieH1up
J Carss v P MurphyH2&1
R Howcroft v J TrewickA4&2
I Murdy v J StrachanH5&4
A Robson v A YoungH1up
Home Win
Percy Wood Golf Club vs Rothbury Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 30 May, 2018
S Johnstone v N RichardsonH3&2
J Taylor v P EvansA5&4
C Sampson v M ArkleA3&2
S Bell v A RichardsonA4&3
F Leet v N RogersonA1up
G Brown v B HinsonA2&1
Away Win
Alnmouth Village Golf Club vs Linden Hall Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 30 May, 2018
N Edwards v Guy NixonA2&1
A Stanton v L CochraneH2&1
J Jobson v G LowesH5&4
S Oliver v Kevin JonesH4&3
S McKee v M HaefnerA1up
C Wass v Simon OsborneH7&5
Home Win
Seahouses Golf Club vs Wooler Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 30 May, 2018
G Hornsby v R CarrH5&4
J Hogg v P RoutledgeH4&3
A Topham v A CarrH1up
G Pearson v D CrispH5&4
K Wright v C WilkinsonH3&2
R Locke v t symonsH6&5
Home Win
Burgham Park Golf Club vs Percy Wood Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 23 May, 2018
P Barnet v S JohnsonH4&3
C Moat v C SampsonA5&3
P Murphy v J TaylorH2&1
J Trewick v D AngusA3&2
J Strachan v F Leet A3&2
G Murray v G BrownDA/S
Away Win
Linden Hall Golf Club vs Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club BPlayed on Wed 23 May, 2018
L Cochrane v W SutherlandH6&5
G Lowes v J CarssH2&1
Kevin Jones v B GreenleyH2&1
Danny House v R HowcroftH4&3
M Haefner v I MurdyH3&2
Chris Foster v A RobsonH2&1
Home Win
Rothbury Golf Club vs Seahouses Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 23 May, 2018
N Richardson v A TrimbyA3&2
A Richardson v G HornsbyDA/S
N Rogerson v J HoggA3&2
D Upton v A TophamA4&3
B Hinson v G PearsonH3&2
T Morris v K WrightDA/S
Away Win
Magdalene Fields Golf Club B vs Alnmouth Village Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 23 May, 2018
S Armstrong v A StantonDA/S
D McAskill v J JobsonA1up
N Smiles v S McKeeH5&4
D Watson v C WassH4&2
N Deary v Steve LockleyH3&1
A Pendrich v I SimpsonA7&6
Home Win
Percy Wood Golf Club vs Linden Hall Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 16 May, 2018
S Johnstone v Guy NixonA2&1
D Angus v L CochraneA3&1
J Taylor v R AstleyA1up
S Bell v M HaefnerA4&2
F Leet v P CochraneH2up
G Brown v Simon OsborneA4&3
Away Win
Seahouses Golf Club vs Burgham Park Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 16 May, 2018
A Trimby v C MoatH5&4
G Hornsby v P BarnettA1up
J Hogg v J HendrieH7&6
A Topham v P MurphyH1up
K Wright v D MorseH2&1
G Pearson v J StrachanH3&2
Home Win
Wooler Golf Club vs Rothbury Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 16 May, 2018
P Routledge v P EvansH1up
R Carr v M ArkleH4&2
A Carr v A RichardsonH4&3
S Lamb v N RogersonA2&1
D Crisp v B HinsonA1up
T Symons v T MorrisH1up
Home Win
Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club B vs Magdalene Fields Golf Club BPlayed on Wed 16 May, 2018
J Carss v S ArmstrongA1up
B Greenley v N SmilesA7&5
K Baldwin v D McAskillA5&4
R Howcroft v D WatsonH2up
I Murdy v N DearyH3&2
A Robson v A PendrichDA/S
Away Win
Linden Hall Golf Club vs Seahouses Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 9 May, 2018
Guy Nixon v A TrimbyH8&6
L Cochrane v J HoggH4&2
G Lowes v A TophamA5&3
M Haefner v G PearsonH5&3
P Cochrane v K WrightA1up
Chris Foster v R LockeH1up
Home Win
Magdalene Fields Golf Club B vs Percy Wood Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 9 May, 2018
S Armstrong v S JohnstoneDA/S
N Smiles v C SampsonDA/S
D McAskill v J TaylorA2&1
D Watson v I CampbellH5&4
N Deary v F LeetH3&2
A Pendrich v Club AdminA3&2
Burgham Park Golf Club vs Wooler Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 9 May, 2018
C Moat v P RoutledgeA4&3
D Ledger v R CarrH5&4
J Hendrie v A CarrA5&4
P Murphy v D CrispH6&4
S Lister v S LambH2&1
J Strachan v T SymonsA3&2
Alnmouth Village Golf Club vs Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club BPlayed on Wed 9 May, 2018
B Lawn v A RobsonH4&3
N Edwards v J CarssDA/S
J Jobson v R HowcroftH6&5
S McKee v R CarrH3&2
A Stanton v K BaldwinH7&6
S Oliver v I MurdyH7&5
Home Win
Seahouses Golf Club vs Magdalene Fields Golf Club BPlayed on Wed 2 May, 2018
A Trimby v S ArmstrongH3&2
G Hornsby v N SmilesH3&2
J Hogg v D McAskillH1up
G Pearson v D WatsonH1up
K Wright v A PendrichH5&4
R Locke v B RentonH1up
Home Win
Wooler Golf Club vs Linden Hall Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 2 May, 2018
P Routledge v Guy NixonA1up
R Carr v L CochraneA7&6
S Lowery v G LowesH5&4
A Carr v P CochraneH2up
S Lamb v R AstleyH5&4
D Crisp v Simon OsborneH5&3
Home Win
Percy Wood Golf Club vs Alnmouth Village Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 2 May, 2018
S Johnstone v A StantonH1up
C Sampson v J JobsonH6&5
J Taylor v B LawnH4&3
I Campbell v S McKeeA4&3
S Bell v S OliverA7&6
F Leet v C WassA3&2
Rothbury Golf Club vs Burgham Park Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 2 May, 2018
N Richardson v C MoatA2&1
P Evans v S ListerH2&1
M Arkle v B BrodieH3&2
A Richardson v P MurphyH1up
N Rogerson v D MorseH8&7
T Morris v B BrodieA2&1
Home Win
Rothbury Golf Club vs Wooler Golf ClubPlayed on Tue 1 May, 2018
M Arkle and R Jackson v Keith Robinson and Howard MiddlemissH5&4
Larry Jones and D Phillips v David Symons and Les JohnsonH3&2
Nick Guthorson and D Pledger v David Strangeways and John EwingA1up
v A
v A
v A
Home Win
Alnmouth Golf Club vs Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club APlayed on Tue 1 May, 2018
I Stokes and G Richer v G Schofield and John NicholH5&4
G Barber and D Appleby v Keith Bowden and Dennis WiiliamsH5&4
C Burrows and I Wilson v Gus McLeod and David JacksonH4&3
v H
v H
v H
Home Win
Linden Hall Golf Club vs Percy Wood Golf ClubPlayed on Tue 1 May, 2018
T Postgate and P Postgate v D Finlay and A CarrH2up
F Johnstone and A Michre v M Osborne and Trevor NicholaidisA3&2
G Kingsland and Brian Forster v D Angus and Michael WalkerDA/S
v D
v D
v D
Linden Hall Golf Club vs Rothbury Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 25 April, 2018
Guy Nixon v Mark ClementsDA/S
L Cochrane v N RichardsonA1up
G Lowes v M ArkleH5&4
P Cochrane v P EvansA2up
Chris Foster v A RichardsonA1up
John Simpson v N RodgersonA5&4
Away Win
Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club B vs Percy Wood Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 25 April, 2018
W Sutherland v S JohnstoneA3&2
J Carss v C Fletcher-SmithDA/S
K Baldwin v C SampsonA6&4
R Howcroft v S BellH5&4
I Murdy v I CampbellA4&2
A Robson v F LeetH2up
Away Win
Magdalene Fields Golf Club B vs Wooler Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 25 April, 2018
n smiles v P RoutledgeH4&3
D McAskill v S LoweryH3&2
D Watson v S LambA1up
a pendrich v D CrispH4&3
N Deary v c wilkinsonH2&1
B Renton v Les JohnsonH8&6
Home Win
Alnmouth Village Golf Club vs Seahouses Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 25 April, 2018
N Edwards v A TrimbyA1up
A Stanton v G HornsbyA4&3
J Jobson v J HoggH2&1
S McKee v G PearsonH3&2
C Wass v A TophamA5&3
C Thompson v K WrightA2&1
Away Win
Wooler Golf Club vs Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club APlayed on Sun 1 April, 2018
David Lee and Keith Robinson v Gustav McLeod and D JacksonHA/S
Geoff Brown and Les Johnson v Dennis Wiiliams and Keith BowdenHA/S
David Strangeways and David Symons v John Nichol and John NicholHA/S
v H
v H
v H
Home Win
Rothbury Golf Club vs Linden Hall Golf ClubPlayed on Sun 1 April, 2018
M Arkle and R Jackson v F Johnstone and A MichreH2&1
Larry Jones and D Phillips v P Postgate and T PostgateA3&1
B Arnott and R Hope v G Kingsland and B GillH3&1
v H
v H
v H
Home Win
Percy Wood Golf Club vs Alnmouth Golf ClubPlayed on Sun 1 April, 2018
D Angus and W Cole v I Stokes and G RicherDA/S
C Ross and A Birkmyre v D Bell and G BarberA3&1
D Finlay and A Carr v I Wilson and C BurrowsA3&1
v A
v A
v A
Away Win

Division 3 (mens)

Seniors Pool A (seniors)

Seniors Pool B (seniors)

Juniors (juniors)

Copyright © 2025 North Northumberland Golf League