Division 1 (mens)
Members League (mens)
Division 3 (mens)
Seniors Pool A (seniors)
Seniors Pool B (seniors)
Juniors (juniors)

Division 1 (mens)

Magdalene Fields Golf Club A vs Seahouses Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 7 August, 2019
S Jackson v A TophamDA/S
K Yule v A TrimbyH6&5
P Richardson v J HoggA4&3
A Potts v G PearsonH7&6
M Neil v K SwanH3&2
D Taylor v Steve SwanDA/S
Home Win
Alnwick Castle Golf Club vs Linden Hall Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 7 August, 2019
J Lingard v L CochraneDA/S
R Campbell v P CochraneH5&4
J Friar v P PostgateH5&4
W Belisle v Dick BaileyH5&4
A Smith v Alastair LambieH7&6
Mark Friar v Barrie GuyH5&4
Home Win
Alnmouth Village Golf Club vs Alnmouth Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 7 August, 2019
A Stanton v J HendersonH2&1
S Oliver v L DennyAA/S
Sam Read v R GanderH3&2
J Jobson v Kevin HendersonH2&1
B Lawn v Phil AireyA2&1
S McKee v J SouthwardA2&1
Bamburgh Castle Golf Club vs Warkworth Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 7 August, 2019
P Sanderson v K LansburyH2&1
M Dawson v N HoldenH4&3
M Thompson v S FairhurstH4&3
Club Admin v W GairH5&4
S Priestley v G HendersonH5&4
C Taylor v I GrayH3&2
Home Win
Bamburgh Castle Golf Club vs Rothbury Golf ClubPlayed on Thu 1 August, 2019
G Temple and J Snowball v R Jackson and R JacksonA4&2
R Lumsden and D Jones v John Brown and John BrownH2&1
F Bolton and J Lovell v D Blakeburn and Peter BrownA4&3
v A
v A
v A
Away Win
Burgham Park Golf Club vs Warkworth Golf ClubPlayed on Thu 1 August, 2019
Paul Thornton and John Megaran v Les Graves and Ken ParkDA/S
G Wright and Tony Clarkson v M Allen and L RamseyH5&3
Alan Old and Doug Lyons v A McKay and G TaylorH4&3
v H
v H
v H
Home Win
Seahouses Golf Club vs Alnwick Castle Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 31 July, 2019
A Topham v J LingardH1up
A Trimby v R CampbellA2&1
J Hogg v J FriarA1up
G Pearson v W BelisleA3&2
K Wright v A SmithA4&3
K Swan v CS JobsonA2&1
Away Win
Alnmouth Golf Club vs Magdalene Fields Golf Club APlayed on Wed 31 July, 2019
J Henderson v S JacksonH2up
L Denny v K YuleH3&1
R Gander v A PottsHA/S
Phil Airey v P RichardsonH1up
D Archibald v M HodgsonH3&1
J Eggleston v K AtkinsonH3&1
Home Win
Linden Hall Golf Club vs Bamburgh Castle Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 31 July, 2019
P Cochrane v P SandersonA7&6
M Haefner v M DawsonDA/S
Trevor Hodge v M ThompsonA5&4
Simon Osborne v Club AdminA7&6
Chris Foster v S PriestleyA3&1
Barrie Guy v Club AdminA4&2
Away Win
Warkworth Golf Club vs Alnmouth Village Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 31 July, 2019
Merrill Lansbury v A StantonD4&3
S Fairhurst v S OliverHA/S
R Balmbra v Sam ReadH1up
W Gair v J JobsonH4&3
G Henderson v B LawnH3&2
M Graham v S McKeeH4&3
Home Win
Alnwick Castle Golf Club vs Alnmouth Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 24 July, 2019
J Lingard v A MinnikinA2&1
R Campbell v J HendersonA3&2
J Friar v L DennyA4&3
W Belisle v D BakerA4&3
A Smith v Phil AireyA2&1
CS Jobson v J SouthwardH2&1
Away Win
Bamburgh Castle Golf Club vs Seahouses Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 24 July, 2019
P Sanderson v A TophamH5&4
M Dawson v J HoggH1up
M Thompson v G PearsonH5&4
Club Admin v K WrightH1up
S Priestley v K SwanH3&2
C Taylor v Steve SwanA2&1
Home Win
Magdalene Fields Golf Club A vs Alnmouth Village Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 24 July, 2019
S Jackson v Sam ReadH3&2
K Yule v J JobsonA2&1
A Potts v S OliverH5&4
P Richardson v A StantonDA/S
M Hodgson v S McKeeH4&2
K Atkinson v C WassH1up
Home Win
Linden Hall Golf Club vs Warkworth Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 24 July, 2019
L Cochrane v Paul WilsonH3&1
G Lowes v N HoldenH2up
Kevin Jones v S FairhurstA4&2
M Haefner v G HendersonA6&5
Trevor Hodge v W GairA2&1
Alastair Lambie v Adam WalesH2&1
Alnmouth Golf Club vs Bamburgh Castle Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 17 July, 2019
A Minnikin v P SandersonH2&1
J Henderson v M DawsonH5&4
L Denny v M ThompsonH5&4
R Gander v S PriestleyH3&2
D Baker v C LishmanH1up
J Southward v C TaylorH5&4
Home Win
Seahouses Golf Club vs Linden Hall Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 17 July, 2019
A Topham v L CochraneH2&1
J Hogg v G LowesH4&3
G Pearson v Daniel HouseH1up
K Wright v P CochraneA5&4
K Swan v M HaefnerH4&3
Steve Swan v Trevor HodgeH5&4
Home Win
Alnmouth Village Golf Club vs Alnwick Castle Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 17 July, 2019
Sam Read v J LingardH2&1
S Oliver v J FriarA4&3
J Jobson v W BelisleH1up
B Lawn v A SmithA3&1
A Stanton v CS JobsonH5&4
S McKee v C DonaldsonH6&5
Home Win
Warkworth Golf Club vs Magdalene Fields Golf Club APlayed on Wed 17 July, 2019
Merrill Lansbury v S JacksonA6&5
N Holden v K YuleA5&4
Paul Wilson v A PottsDA/S
K Lansbury v P RichardsonH3&2
S Fairhurst v M HodgsonA1up
W Gair v K AtkinsonH2&1
Away Win
Bamburgh Castle Golf Club vs Alnmouth Village Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 10 July, 2019
P Sanderson v Sam ReadH3&2
M Dawson v J JobsonH1up
M Thompson v A StantonA1up
S Priestley v B LawnH5&4
C Lishman v S OliverH1up
C Taylor v C WassH2&1
Home Win
Linden Hall Golf Club vs Alnmouth Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 10 July, 2019
L Cochrane v J HendersonH1up
Kevin Jones v L DennyA2&1
P Cochrane v R GanderA3&2
John Simpson v Kevin HendersonA7&6
M Haefner v Phil AireyH3&2
Simon Osborne v J SouthwardA3&2
Away Win
Alnwick Castle Golf Club vs Magdalene Fields Golf Club APlayed on Wed 10 July, 2019
R Campbell v S JacksonH2&1
J Friar v K YuleH2up
W Belisle v A PottsDA/S
CS Jobson v P RichardsonH5&4
A Smith v M HodgsonH5&4
C Donaldson v K AtkinsonH3&2
Home Win
Seahouses Golf Club vs Warkworth Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 10 July, 2019
A Topham v K LansburyDA/S
G Hornsby v N HoldenH3&2
A Trimby v G HendersonH6&5
J Hogg v W GairA3&1
G Pearson v M GrahamA2&1
D Hornsby v Adam WalesH2&1
Home Win
Alnmouth Village Golf Club vs Linden Hall Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 3 July, 2019
Sam Read v L CochraneH2up
J Jobson v P CochraneH3&2
A Stanton v G LowesH2up
S Oliver v M HaefnerH3&2
C Wass v Trevor HodgeHA/S
S McKee v Simon OsborneH8&7
Home Win
Magdalene Fields Golf Club A vs Bamburgh Castle Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 3 July, 2019
S Jackson v P SandersonA5&4
K Yule v A MackayH1up
A Potts v M DawsonDA/S
P Richardson v M ThompsonH4&3
M Hodgson v S PriestleyA2up
K Atkinson v C TaylorH2up
Home Win
Alnmouth Golf Club vs Seahouses Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 3 July, 2019
J Henderson v A TophamA2&1
R Gander v J HoggH5&4
L Denny v G PearsonH2up
D Baker v K SwanH2up
Kevin Henderson v Steve SwanH5&4
Phil Airey v W CraigH10&8
Home Win
Warkworth Golf Club vs Alnwick Castle Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 3 July, 2019
K Lansbury v J FriarH4&2
G Henderson v W BelisleA2&1
W Gair v CS JobsonH5&4
M Graham v A SmithA3&2
S Glass v A TateH2&1
Adam Wales v M FriarH5&4
Home Win
Burgham Park Golf Club vs Alnmouth Golf ClubPlayed on Mon 1 July, 2019
Doug Lyons and Alan Old v I Stokoe and G RicherA4&2
Tony Clarkson and G Wright v G Barber and D BellA4&3
John Megaran and Jimmy Rutherford v I Wilson and C BurrowsA2up
v A
v A
v A
Away Win
Warkworth Golf Club vs Rothbury Golf ClubPlayed on Mon 1 July, 2019
Les Graves and Ken Park v M Arkle and Larry JonesH3&2
K Bailey and B Douglas v D Phillips and D BlakeburnH4&2
D Ross and A McKay v John Brown and B CoppenA2&1
v A
v A
v A
Home Win
Linden Hall Golf Club B vs Bamburgh Castle Golf ClubPlayed on Mon 1 July, 2019
Kevin Jones and Brian Forster v F Bolton and D KirkbrideH6&5
P Cochrane and D Griffiths v J Snowball and D JonesH3&2
Barrie Guy and Andrew Michie v mike hopper and Ali BrettH3&2
v H
v H
v H
Home Win
Linden Hall Golf Club vs Magdalene Fields Golf Club APlayed on Wed 26 June, 2019
L Cochrane v S JacksonH1up
Nick Rushworth v K YuleA1up
G Lowes v P RichardsonA8&6
M Haefner v M NeilH2&1
Chris Foster v M HodgsonA4&2
Simon Michie v K AtkinsonA4&3
Away Win
Seahouses Golf Club vs Alnmouth Village Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 26 June, 2019
G Hornsby v Sam ReadH4&2
A Topham v A StantonH4&3
A Trimby v J JobsonH1up
J Hogg v S OliverH2&1
G Pearson v N BaxterH5&4
K Wright v C WassH2&1
Home Win
Bamburgh Castle Golf Club vs Alnwick Castle Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 26 June, 2019
P Sanderson v J FriarH5&4
M Dawson v CS JobsonH3&1
M Thompson v A TateH1up
S Priestley v A SmithH7&6
C Taylor v D SwordyHA/S
Club Admin v C DonaldsonH3&2
Home Win
Alnmouth Golf Club vs Warkworth Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 26 June, 2019
J Henderson v K LansburyH1up
L Denny v G HendersonH4&2
R Gander v W GairH4&3
D Baker v S GlassH8&7
Kevin Henderson v M GrahamH6&5
Phil Airey v Adam WalesH5&4
Home Win
Magdalene Fields Golf Club A vs Linden Hall Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 19 June, 2019
S Jackson v L CochraneH1up
A Potts v P CochraneH3&2
P Richardson v M HaefnerH4&3
M Neil v Simon OsborneH7&6
M Hodgson v Club AdminA2&1
K Atkinson v Walk OverH1up
Home Win
Alnmouth Village Golf Club vs Seahouses Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 19 June, 2019
Sam Read v A TophamA1up
S Oliver v J HoggA1up
A Stanton v G PearsonH2&1
J Jobson v K WrightH2&1
B Lawn v R LockeH6&4
N Baxter v D HornsbyA2&1
Home Win
Alnwick Castle Golf Club vs Bamburgh Castle Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 19 June, 2019
J Lingard v P SandersonDA/S
J Friar v M DawsonA5&4
W Belisle v M ThompsonA2up
CS Jobson v S PriestleyDA/S
A Tate v C LishmanDA/S
D Swordy v C TaylorH5&4
Away Win
Warkworth Golf Club vs Alnmouth Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 19 June, 2019
Paul Wilson v J HendersonDA/S
K Lansbury v R GanderDA/S
G Henderson v Kevin HendersonA3&2
W Gair v J SouthwardH7&6
M Graham v D ArchibaldA3&2
B Sanderson v J EgglestonA3&2
Away Win
Linden Hall Golf Club vs Alnmouth Village Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 12 June, 2019
G Lowes v Sam ReadDA/S
John Simpson v B LawnA2&1
M Haefner v J DavisonA8&6
Trevor Hodge v N BaxterH2&1
Simon Osborne v C WassA7&6
P Postgate v J B GrahamA1up
Away Win
Bamburgh Castle Golf Club vs Magdalene Fields Golf Club APlayed on Wed 12 June, 2019
P Sanderson v S JacksonH1up
M Dawson v K YuleH2&1
M Thompson v A PottsA4&3
S Priestley v P RichardsonA2up
C Taylor v M HodgsonH2&1
Club Admin v K AtkinsonA3&2
Seahouses Golf Club vs Alnmouth Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 12 June, 2019
G Hornsby v J HendersonA2&1
A Topham v L DennyH3&2
J Hogg v R GanderA5&4
K Wright v Kevin HendersonA2&1
K Swan v Phil AireyA2up
R Locke v J SouthwardA3&2
Away Win
Alnwick Castle Golf Club vs Warkworth Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 12 June, 2019
J Lingard v K LansburyDA/S
J Friar v G HendersonH7&5
A Smith v W GairH4&3
D Swordy v S GlassH2&1
M Friar v B SandersonH3&2
C Donaldson v I GrayH5&4
Home Win
Alnmouth Village Golf Club vs Bamburgh Castle Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 5 June, 2019
Sam Read v J MoffetH2&1
A Stanton v A MackayDA/S
J Jobson v M DawsonH4&3
S Oliver v M ThompsonA3&2
N Baxter v S PriestleyA2&1
C Wass v C LishmanA2&1
Away Win
Alnmouth Golf Club vs Linden Hall Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 5 June, 2019
J Henderson v L CochraneH5&3
R Gander v Nick RushworthAA/S
L Denny v Kevin JonesHA/S
D Baker v Daniel HouseDA/S
Kevin Henderson v G LowesH4&2
Phil Airey v P CochraneH5&4
Home Win
Magdalene Fields Golf Club A vs Alnwick Castle Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 5 June, 2019
S Jackson v J LingardDA/S
K Yule v J FriarH3&2
A Potts v W BelisleH5&4
P Richardson v CS JobsonH5&4
M Hodgson v Daniel HarrisonH7&6
K Atkinson v M FriarH4&2
Home Win
Warkworth Golf Club vs Seahouses Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 5 June, 2019
Paul Wilson v A TophamH3&2
K Lansbury v A TrimbyA3&2
G Henderson v J HoggDA/S
W Gair v G PearsonH4&3
B Sanderson v K SwanH2&1
M Graham v R LockeDA/S
Home Win
Rothbury Golf Club vs Alnmouth Golf ClubPlayed on Sat 1 June, 2019
M Arkle and Larry Jones v G Barber and D BellH6&4
D Blakeburn and D Phillips v I Wilson and C BurrowsH2&1
Peter Brown and C Ayre v I Stokoe and G RicherA2&1
v A
v A
v A
Home Win
Burgham Park Golf Club vs Linden Hall Golf Club BPlayed on Sat 1 June, 2019
A Carr and John Megaran v F Johnstone and Dick BaileyDA/S
Tony Clarkson and Alan Johnson v Barrie Guy and Andrew MichieA4&2
Doug Lyons and Alan Old v Brian Forster and G KingslandDA/S
v D
v D
v D
Away Win
Bamburgh Castle Golf Club vs Warkworth Golf ClubPlayed on Sat 1 June, 2019
D Jones and F Bolton v Les Graves and K BaileyH6&5
G Temple and J Snowball v T Capron and G TaylorH2&1
mike hopper and Ali Brett v A McKay and G SawleyH2up
v H
v H
v H
Home Win
Bamburgh Castle Golf Club vs Alnmouth Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 29 May, 2019
P Sanderson v J HendersonA2&1
A Mackay v R GanderH3&2
M Dawson v Kevin HendersonH2&1
M Thompson v D ArchibaldH4&3
S Priestley v Phil AireyDA/S
C Taylor v J SouthwardA2&1
Home Win
Alnwick Castle Golf Club vs Alnmouth Village Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 29 May, 2019
J Friar v Sam ReadH4&3
W Belisle v A StantonDA/S
CS Jobson v S OliverDA/S
A Tate v S McKeeH7&6
C Donaldson v C WassA2&1
K Murphy v J B GrahamDA/S
Home Win
Linden Hall Golf Club vs Seahouses Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 29 May, 2019
L Cochrane v A TophamH4&3
Nick Rushworth v J HoggH7&6
P Cochrane v G PearsonDA/S
M Haefner v K WrightH2&1
Simon Osborne v K SwanA6&4
Chris Foster v R LockeA2&1
Home Win
Magdalene Fields Golf Club A vs Warkworth Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 29 May, 2019
S Jackson v K LansburyH6&5
K Yule v R BalmbraH5&4
A Potts v G HendersonH3&2
P Richardson v W GairDA/S
M Hodgson v B SandersonH3&2
K Atkinson v I GrayH3&1
Home Win
Alnmouth Golf Club vs Alnwick Castle Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 22 May, 2019
L Denny v J LingardA6&4
J Henderson v J FriarH1up
R Gander v W BelisleA2&1
D Baker v CS JobsonH2&1
Kevin Henderson v A TateH4&3
Phil Airey v M FriarH6&5
Home Win
Seahouses Golf Club vs Bamburgh Castle Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 22 May, 2019
G Hornsby v P SandersonA1up
A Topham v M DawsonH1up
J Hogg v M ThompsonH4&3
G Pearson v S PriestleyA2&1
K Wright v C LishmanA4&3
K Swan v C TaylorA1up
Away Win
Warkworth Golf Club vs Linden Hall Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 22 May, 2019
K Lansbury v L CochraneA2&1
G Henderson v Kevin JonesDA/S
R Balmbra v P CochraneH7&6
W Gair v G LowesA1up
B Sanderson v M HaefnerH3&2
S Glass v Simon OsborneH6&4
Home Win
Alnmouth Village Golf Club vs Magdalene Fields Golf Club APlayed on Wed 22 May, 2019
Sam Read v S JacksonA2&1
A Stanton v K YuleH1up
S Oliver v A PottsH1up
S McKee v P RichardsonH2up
C Wass v M HodgsonA1up
S Foreman v K AtkinsonA5&3
Alnwick Castle Golf Club vs Seahouses Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 15 May, 2019
J Lingard v A TrimbyH2&1
J Friar v J HoggA1up
W Belisle v A TophamA3&2
CS Jobson v K WrightH2&1
A Tate v K SwanH1up
C Donaldson v D HornsbyH4&3
Home Win
Magdalene Fields Golf Club A vs Alnmouth Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 15 May, 2019
S Jackson v L DennyH6&4
A Potts v J HendersonH1up
P Richardson v Phil AireyA1up
K Yule v J SouthwardH2up
M Hodgson v D ArchibaldH4&3
K Atkinson v D LillicoH3&2
Home Win
Bamburgh Castle Golf Club vs Linden Hall Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 15 May, 2019
P Sanderson v Kevin JonesH4&3
M Dawson v G LowesH3&2
A Mackay v M HaefnerH4&3
M Thompson v Simon OsborneH7&6
S Priestley v P PostgateH4&3
C Taylor v Barrie GuyDA/S
Home Win
Alnmouth Village Golf Club vs Warkworth Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 15 May, 2019
Sam Read v Paul WilsonDA/S
A Stanton v K LansburyA5&4
B Lawn v S FairhurstH5&4
N Baxter v R BalmbraA6&4
S Oliver v W GairA1up
S McKee v S GlassA3&2
Away Win
Seahouses Golf Club vs Magdalene Fields Golf Club APlayed on Wed 8 May, 2019
A Trimby v S JacksonA5&4
J Hogg v A PottsH4&3
A Topham v P RichardsonA1up
K Wright v K YuleH4&2
K Swan v M HodgsonA6&5
R Locke v K AtkinsonA7&6
Away Win
Linden Hall Golf Club vs Alnwick Castle Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 8 May, 2019
L Cochrane v J LingardA3&2
Kevin Jones v J FriarA3&2
P Cochrane v W BelisleDA/S
G Lowes v CS JobsonH1up
Simon Osborne v Daniel HarrisonA2up
Simon Michie v C DonaldsonA6&5
Away Win
Alnmouth Golf Club vs Alnmouth Village Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 8 May, 2019
L Denny v Sam ReadH2&1
J Henderson v A StantonH4&2
R Gander v B LawnH7&6
D Baker v N BaxterH5&4
Phil Airey v S OliverH2&1
J Southward v S McKeeH5&4
Home Win
Warkworth Golf Club vs Bamburgh Castle Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 8 May, 2019
K Lansbury v P SandersonH2&1
M Allen v M DawsonDA/S
R Balmbra v M ThompsonH4&3
W Gair v S PriestleyH2&1
G Henderson v C LishmanH3&2
S Glass v C TaylorA1up
Home Win
Warkworth Golf Club vs Alnmouth Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 1 May, 2019
Les Graves and G Taylor v I Stokoe and B GoldingH2&1
K Bailey and B Douglas v D Bell and P BrookDA/S
A McKay and G Sawley v I Wilson and C BurrowsA5&4
v A
v A
v A
Bamburgh Castle Golf Club vs Burgham Park Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 1 May, 2019
J Snowball and D Jones v Tony Clarkson and Phil AireyA1up
G Temple and R Lumsden v A Carr and G WrightA1up
D Kirkbride and Club Admin v Alan Old and Jimmy RutherfordA1up
v A
v A
v A
Away Win
Linden Hall Golf Club B vs Rothbury Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 1 May, 2019
F Johnstone and D Griffiths v M Arkle and R JacksonH5&4
Kevin Jones and Brian Forster v C Ayre and Peter BrownH3&2
Barrie Guy and G Kingsland v John Brown and Larry JonesH2&1
v H
v H
v H
Home Win
Alnmouth Golf Club vs Bamburgh Castle Golf ClubPlayed on Mon 1 April, 2019
I Stokoe and G Richer v J Snowball and G TempleH3&1
I Campbell and David Westwell v D Kirkbride and J LovellA3&2
I Wilson and C Burrows v D Jones and P BatemanH7&6
v H
v H
v H
Home Win
Rothbury Golf Club vs Burgham Park Golf ClubPlayed on Mon 1 April, 2019
A Oliver and D Blakeburn v Tony Clarkson and John MegaranDA/S
J Brown and C Ayre v A Carr and G WrightA5&4
M Arkle and Larry Jones v D Angus and Alan OldH4&3
v H
v H
v H
Linden Hall Golf Club B vs Warkworth Golf ClubPlayed on Mon 1 April, 2019
Brian Forster and Kevin Jones v M Allen and K BaileyH3&2
Andrew Michie and F Johnstone v R Balmbra and T CapronH3&2
Barrie Guy and G Kingsland v D Coates and B DouglasH1up
v H
v H
v H
Home Win

Members League (mens)

Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club B vs Rothbury Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 7 August, 2019
G Mallaburn v Mark ClementsH4&2
Dennis Wiiliams v N RichardsonA7&5
K Baldwin v D ArkleA1up
J Carss v A RichardsonDA/S
I Murdy v P EvansA3&2
R Carr v M ArkleA5&3
Away Win
Burgham Park Golf Club vs Wooler Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 7 August, 2019
C Moat v S LoweryH6&4
M Seccombe v S LambH4&3
J Strachan v T CrossmanH7&6
G Murray v t symonsH1up
R Leyland v Geoff BrownH6&4
F Leet v J SpencerH5&4
Home Win
Goswick Golf Club vs Magdalene Fields Golf Club BPlayed on Wed 7 August, 2019
D Greenshields v S ArmstrongDA/S
Ivan Martin v D McAskillH5&4
M Wilson v N DearyH6&5
K Gullan v B RentonH8&7
S Knightengale v M EdenH2&1
E Johnson v K NisbetH6&5
Home Win
Wooler Golf Club vs Dunstanburgh Castle Golf ClubPlayed on Thu 1 August, 2019
David Lee and David Symons v D Jackson and David ArmstrongH2up
Geoff Brown and Les Johnson v Dennis Wiiliams and K BaldwinDA/S
Keith Robinson and David Strangeways v John Nichol and R HowcroftA3&1
v A
v A
v A
Alnwick Castle Golf Club vs Linden Hall Golf Club APlayed on Thu 1 August, 2019
P Lewis and J Pentleton v Richard Sayer and D MilbourneA1up
D Robinson and R Chalmers v Mike Dagless and Steve RushworthA5&4
M Hubbard and Peter Lee v I Thomson and B GillDA/S
v D
v D
v D
Away Win
Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club A vs Magdalene Fields Golf Club BPlayed on Wed 31 July, 2019
D Saunders v N SmilesH6&5
G Barber v M EdenA2&1
Paul Kingsland v S YoungH3&2
R Jamieson v B RentonH7&5
George Robson v K NisbetA3&2
M Leetham v K ScottH3&2
Home Win
Wooler Golf Club vs Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club BPlayed on Wed 31 July, 2019
R Carr v A McGradyH3&2
Geoff Brown v G MallaburnH1up
R Lowery v J CarssDA/S
T Carr v K BaldwinH1up
J Spencer v R CarrH1up
T Crossman v I MurdyA1up
Home Win
Burgham Park Golf Club vs Goswick Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 31 July, 2019
D Ledger v D GreenshieldsAA/S
J Strachan v K GullanA7&6
J Hendrie v S KnightengaleA5&4
G Murray v Paul HolmesA6&4
F Leet v Lesley WallaceDA/S
P Murphy v Club AdminH6&5
Away Win
Magdalene Fields Golf Club B vs Rothbury Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 24 July, 2019
S Armstrong v Mark ClementsDA/S
N Smiles v N RichardsonA4&3
D McAskill v A RichardsonA2&1
N Deary v P EvansH3&2
B Renton v M ArkleH6&5
M Colven v S ForemanDA/S
Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club B vs Burgham Park Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 24 July, 2019
G Mallaburn v C MoatH6&5
John Carss v M SeccombeA4&3
K Baldwin v D LedgerH2up
R Carr v J HendrieH5&4
R Howcroft v P MurphyA6&4
I Murdy v R LeylandA4&2
Goswick Golf Club vs Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club APlayed on Wed 24 July, 2019
D Greenshields v D HindsonH3&2
Ivan Martin v G BarberH5&4
M Wilson v K WrightH5&4
K Gullan v S PottsH1up
G Greenaway v Jonathan BarberA3&2
Paul Holmes v R JamiesonH2up
Home Win
Magdalene Fields Golf Club B vs Wooler Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 17 July, 2019
S Armstrong v P RoutledgeH6&5
N Smiles v S LoweryH4&3
D McAskill v R CarrH2&1
M Eden v R LoweryH1up
P Purves v J SpencerH4&3
B Renton v T CarrH5&4
Home Win
Rothbury Golf Club vs Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club APlayed on Wed 17 July, 2019
Mark Clements v S SullivanH3&2
N Richardson v D SaundersH1up
D Arkle v D HindsonH3&2
P Evans v K WrightA2&1
A Richardson v G BarberH5&4
N Rogerson v R JamiesonA3&2
Home Win
Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club B vs Goswick Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 17 July, 2019
W Sutherland v M WilsonA3&2
David Shearer v K GullanH2&1
G Mallaburn v S KnightengaleA4&3
K Baldwin v Keith TurnbullDA/S
J Carss v Colin GreiveA6&5
I Murdy v Ben WrightH1up
Away Win
Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club A vs Wooler Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 10 July, 2019
D Saunders v S LoweryH6&5
K Wright v R CarrH5&4
G Barber v David LeeH7&6
S Potts v D CrispH2&1
S Walker v t symonsH6&5
R Jamieson v T CarrH3&2
Home Win
Magdalene Fields Golf Club B vs Burgham Park Golf Club Played on Wed 10 July, 2019
S Armstrong v C MoatA2up
N Smiles v M SeccombeH2&1
D Watson v P MurphyH2&1
D McAskill v J StrachanH6&5
N Deary v G MurrayH6&5
P Purves v R LeylandH2&1
Home Win
Goswick Golf Club vs Rothbury Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 10 July, 2019
D Greenshields v N RichardsonH3&2
S Knightengale v Mark ClementsA6&5
Paul Holmes v P EvansDA/S
Ben Wright v M ArkleH7&5
Arron Borthwick v N RogersonH2&1
S Dunn v S ForemanH3&2
Home Win
Burgham Park Golf Club vs Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club APlayed on Wed 3 July, 2019
C Moat v S SullivanH7&6
M Seccombe v D SaundersH1up
J Hendrie v D HindsonA1up
G Murray v G BarberA3&2
F Leet v K WrightA3&2
P Murphy v R JamiesonH1up
Wooler Golf Club vs Rothbury Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 3 July, 2019
P Routledge v N RichardsonH3&1
S Lowery v A RichardsonA3&1
David Lee v P EvansH3&2
Geoff Brown v M ArkleA4&3
J Spencer v N RogersonA3&1
T Crossman v S ForemanH1up
Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club B vs Magdalene Fields Golf Club BPlayed on Wed 3 July, 2019
W Sutherland v S ArmstrongA3&2
David Shearer v N SmilesH6&5
G Mallaburn v D WatsonH6&4
Dennis Wiiliams v N DearyH2&1
J Carss v M EdenA4&3
I Murdy v B RentonA4&3
Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club vs Alnwick Castle Golf ClubPlayed on Mon 1 July, 2019
David Armstrong and David Jackson v R Chalmers and P LewisH5&4
Keith Bowden and Dennis Wiiliams v M Hubbard and J PentletonH2up
R Howcroft and John Nichol v Peter Lee and CS JobsonH5&4
v H
v H
v H
Home Win
Alnmouth Village Golf Club vs Wooler Golf ClubPlayed on Mon 1 July, 2019
Jim Wright and Steve Lockley v Keith Robinson and Les JohnsonA1up
C Reid and Jack Kidd v David Symons and John EwingH5&3
Les Aitken and J B Graham v Geoff Brown and Howard MiddlemissH2&1
v H
v H
v H
Home Win
Rothbury Golf Club vs Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club BPlayed on Wed 26 June, 2019
N Richardson v David ShearerH5&3
A Richardson v W SutherlandH4&2
P Evans v G MallaburnH4&2
M Arkle v J CarssH5&4
N Rogerson v R HowcroftH5&4
S Foreman v I MurdyH4&3
Home Win
Magdalene Fields Golf Club B vs Goswick Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 26 June, 2019
S Armstrong v M WilsonDA/S
N Smiles v G GreenawayA3&1
N Deary v Paul HolmesH4&3
P Purves v N FairburnDA/S
M Eden v Bob LockwoodA1up
B Renton v S DunnH4&3
Wooler Golf Club vs Burgham Park Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 26 June, 2019
P Routledge v M SeccombeH3&2
R Carr v G MurrayH3&2
S Lowery v F LeetH2&1
David Symons v D MorseA4&3
T Carr v J StrachanA1up
T Crossman v T DavisonH4&3
Home Win
Magdalene Fields Golf Club B vs Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club APlayed on Wed 19 June, 2019
S Armstrong v D SaundersDA/S
N Smiles v D HindsonA5&4
D Watson v K WrightA3&2
D McAskill v S PottsDA/S
P Purves v R JamiesonA2&1
M Eden v P GoodfellowH4&3
Away Win
Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club B vs Wooler Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 19 June, 2019
David Shearer v R CarrDA/S
Gary Mallaburn v S LoweryA8&7
W Wright v t symonsA1up
J Carss v Geoff BrownH5&3
R Howcroft v R LoweryH2&1
I Murdy v G CarrH4&2
Home Win
Goswick Golf Club vs Burgham Park Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 19 June, 2019
N Fairburn v C MoatA1up
S Dunn v D LedgerH5&4
Gerry Curran v Phil AireyH6&5
Morris McGonigle v F LeetH4&3
Bob Lockwood v P MurphyH3&2
Colin Greive v J StrachanH4&3
Home Win
Rothbury Golf Club vs Magdalene Fields Golf Club BPlayed on Wed 12 June, 2019
Mark Clements v S ArmstrongA3&2
N Richardson v N SmilesH5&3
A Richardson v D McAskillH2&1
P Evans v N DearyH4&3
M Arkle v P PurvesDA/S
S Foreman v B RentonA1up
Home Win
Burgham Park Golf Club vs Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club BPlayed on Wed 12 June, 2019
C Moat v David ShearerH2up
D Ledger v G MallaburnH3&2
G Murray v J CarssH3&2
J Strachan v R HowcroftH5&4
Phil Airey v K BaldwinA4&3
R Leyland v I MurdyH7&5
Home Win
Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club A vs Goswick Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 12 June, 2019
S Sullivan v D GreenshieldsA5&3
D Hindson v G GreenawayH1up
D Saunders v K GullanH5&4
K Wright v Ben WrightA4&3
S Potts v Arron BorthwickDA/S
Jonathan Barber v Keith TurnbullA2up
Away Win
Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club A vs Rothbury Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 5 June, 2019
D Saunders v N RichardsonH4&3
K Wright v Mark ClementsDA/S
G Barber v P EvansH5&4
S Potts v A RichardsonDA/S
S Walker v N RogersonH3&2
R Jamieson v S ForemanH3&2
Home Win
Goswick Golf Club vs Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club BPlayed on Wed 5 June, 2019
G Greenaway v Gary MallaburnH3&1
E Johnson v B GreenleyH7&6
Paul Holmes v W SutherlandH4&3
N Fairburn v G MallaburnH8&7
S Dunn v I MurdyH6&5
Keith Turnbull v R RaeH7&6
Home Win
Wooler Golf Club vs Magdalene Fields Golf Club BPlayed on Wed 5 June, 2019
P Routledge v S ArmstrongH1up
S Lowery v D WatsonA3&2
R Carr v N DearyH6&5
G Carr v P PurvesDA/S
D Crisp v M EdenH1up
Geoff Brown v B RentonDA/S
Home Win
Linden Hall Golf Club A vs Wooler Golf ClubPlayed on Sat 1 June, 2019
M Simpson and D Milbourne v Keith Robinson and Les JohnsonH6&5
Mike Dagless and Dick Bailey v M Hornsby and John EwingH7&5
I Thomson and T Postgate v Geoff Brown and Howard MiddlemissA4&2
v A
v A
v A
Home Win
Alnmouth Village Golf Club vs Dunstanburgh Castle Golf ClubPlayed on Sat 1 June, 2019
Jack Kidd and G Foreman v David Jackson and David ArmstrongA1up
Steve Lockley and Jim Wright v Dennis Wiiliams and Keith BowdenA2up
John Clark and Les Aitken v A McGrady and David KingslandH1up
v H
v H
v H
Away Win
Wooler Golf Club vs Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club APlayed on Wed 29 May, 2019
P Routledge v D SaundersA5&4
S Lowery v D HindsonDA/S
R Carr v K WrightA6&5
G Carr v R JamiesonA4&3
David Lee v George RobsonDA/S
D Crisp v Matt LeethamH3&2
Away Win
Burgham Park Golf Club vs Magdalene Fields Golf Club BPlayed on Wed 29 May, 2019
C Moat v S ArmstrongDA/S
J Hendrie v N SmilesDA/S
F Leet v D WatsonH2&1
P Murphy v N DearyH1up
G Murray v M EdenDA/S
R Leyland v B RentonH6&4
Home Win
Rothbury Golf Club vs Goswick Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 29 May, 2019
N Richardson v Ivan MartinA3&2
Mark Clements v K GullanH5&4
A Richardson v G GreenawayDA/S
M Arkle v N FairburnDA/S
S Foreman v E JohnsonA3&2
T Morris v S DunnA1up
Away Win
Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club A vs Burgham Park Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 22 May, 2019
D Saunders v D LedgerH3&2
K Wright v Phil AireyH3&2
S Potts v P MurphyDA/S
G Barber v G MurrayH6&4
R Jamieson v J StrachanDA/S
George Robson v Phil AireyH6&5
Home Win
Rothbury Golf Club vs Wooler Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 22 May, 2019
N Richardson v R CarrH9&7
Mark Clements v David LeeH9&7
A Richardson v D CrispH3&2
M Arkle v t symonsH7&5
D Wood v David SymonsA3&2
S Foreman v R LoweryH6&5
Home Win
Magdalene Fields Golf Club B vs Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club BPlayed on Wed 22 May, 2019
S Armstrong v G MallaburnH4&3
N Smiles v David ShearerH1up
N Deary v W SutherlandDA/S
M Eden v Anthony McGradyH5&3
K Nisbet v J CarssH7&5
B Renton v K BaldwinDA/S
Home Win
Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club B vs Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club APlayed on Wed 15 May, 2019
G Mallaburn v D SaundersA4&2
David Shearer v S SullivanA3&2
J Carss v K WrightA3&2
R Howcroft v S WalkerA4&2
I Murdy v G BarberDA/S
K Baldwin v R JamiesonA4&3
Away Win
Burgham Park Golf Club vs Rothbury Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 15 May, 2019
C Moat v N RichardsonH4&2
D Ledger v Mark ClementsA6&5
P Murphy v A RichardsonDA/S
J Strachan v M ArkleA1up
Phil Airey v S ForemanA1up
R Leyland v D UptonH4&3
Away Win
Wooler Golf Club vs Goswick Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 15 May, 2019
S Lowery v Ivan MartinA1up
R Carr v D GreenshieldsA3&2
D Crisp v G ReidA4&3
Geoff Brown v S KnightengaleA6&5
t symons v Club AdminA2&1
R Lowery v N FairburnA2&1
Away Win
Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club A vs Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club BPlayed on Wed 8 May, 2019
D Saunders v Adam GilroyH6&5
S Sullivan v G MallaburnH3&2
K Wright v J WilkinH1up
G Barber v J CarssH4&3
S Potts v R HowcroftH3&2
R Jamieson v I MurdyH5&3
Home Win
Rothbury Golf Club vs Burgham Park Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 8 May, 2019
N Richardson v C MoatH8&7
Mark Clements v J HendrieH6&5
A Richardson v F LeetH2&1
M Arkle v P MurphyDA/S
N Rogerson v G MurphyA1up
S Foreman v R LeylandA1up
Home Win
Goswick Golf Club vs Wooler Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 8 May, 2019
D Greenshields v P RoutledgeH3&2
Ivan Martin v S LoweryH7&6
K Gullan v R LoweryH2&1
E Johnson v V BissetDA/S
N Fairburn v Geoff BrownH2up
Keith Turnbull v S LambH5&3
Home Win
Dunstanburgh Castle Golf Club vs Linden Hall Golf Club APlayed on Wed 1 May, 2019
Gus McLeod and David Armstrong v John Simpson and M SimpsonH2up
Dennis Wiiliams and Keith Bowden v P Postgate and T PostgateH2&1
R Howcroft and John Nichol v I Thomson and Richard SayerH2&1
v H
v H
v H
Home Win
Alnwick Castle Golf Club vs Alnmouth Village Golf ClubPlayed on Wed 1 May, 2019
M Hubbard and R Henderson v Les Aitken and J B GrahamA1up
R Chalmers and P Lewis v Jack Kidd and Geoff SmartH6&5
J Pentleton and Peter Lee v Steve Lockley and Jim WrightH2&1
v H
v H
v H
Home Win
Wooler Golf Club vs Alnwick Castle Golf ClubPlayed on Mon 1 April, 2019
Geoff Brown and Howard Middlemiss v R Chalmers and P LewisH3&2
M Hornsby and Jeff Ivison v M Hubbard and R HendersonH2up
Les Johnson and Keith Robinson v J Pentleton and James FenwickA3&2
v A
v A
v A
Home Win
Linden Hall Golf Club A vs Alnmouth Village Golf ClubPlayed on Mon 1 April, 2019
P Postgate and T Postgate v Les Aitken and John ClarkH4&3
John Simpson and S Halsey v Dave Hodge and N EdwardsH4&2
Richard Sayer and Dick Bailey v Steve Lockley and Jim WrightA2&1
v A
v A
v A
Home Win

Division 3 (mens)

Seniors Pool A (seniors)

Seniors Pool B (seniors)

Juniors (juniors)

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